Services and Resources

Treatment & Services for Substance Use or Mental Illness

The Division of Behavioral Health (DBH) has programs around the state to help individuals with substance use disorders or their mental illness. There are programs for youth, adolescents, and adults. If you or a loved one struggles with substances or have questions regarding their mental illness, you can contact a treatment program for help. They can help you get the services you or a loved one needs.  The Division and its contracted programs offer services that have been proven to help individuals with mental illness and substance use struggles. Those services help to prevent crime and make communities safer, reduce emergency room visits, and prevent school dropout. Many individuals are able to keep their job or get help finding a job when they receive services. 

The cost of services is based on the individual's ability to pay.   Those who have first priority for mental illness services are: individuals with a serious mental illness; individuals and families in crisis; individuals who are homeless and mentally ill; individuals committed for treatment by the court system; and children with severe emotional problems.  Those who have first priority for substance use treatment are: pregnant women; intravenous (IV) drug users; and, certain referrals from other state agencies.

Locate Treatment & Services

For more information, see Locating Treatment & Services.

You may contact us directly by calling (573) 751-4942 or (800) 575-7480 or by e-mail

Children's Services

The Missouri Division of Behavioral Health is committed to supporting children, adolescents and their families and caregivers by providing best practice treatment and building resiliency skills through our local Community Mental Health Clinics, Adolescent Comprehensive Substance Use Treatment Providers, and Certified Community Behavioral Health Organizations.  Learn more about Children's Services

Crisis Assistance

Suicide Prevention

If you or someone you know is in a mental health, suicide, or substance use crisis, help is available.
Reach out to the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline by calling or texting 988 or the 988 LifelineChat. For more resources on this topic visit: Suicide Prevention.

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline 

If you are thinking about suicide, are experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis, or are worried about a friend or loved one, reach out to the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline by calling or texting 988 or the 988 LifelineChat.

Crisis Services

Crisis services are for anyone, anywhere and anytime. Please see the Crisis Services Webpage for more information.

Disaster Services

The Office of Disaster Services (ODS) conducts planning and development activities to support a coordinated mental health response for Missourians in disaster situations.  For more information please visit: Disaster Services.

Civil Involuntary Detention

Missouri Statutes, Chapter 632 RSMo, provide the statutory authority to allow involuntary treatment under certain conditions with appropriate due process. This process is called Civil Involuntary Detention. Individuals who have substance use disorders may be unable to make decisions about caring for their basic human needs such as food, shelter, and medical care. Substance use disorders may also place a person in danger of hurting themselves or others.  For more information please visit: Civil Involuntary Detention.

Clinical Treatment and Recovery Services for Substance Use

A wide array of DBH supported clinical treatment and recovery support services are located across the state.  DBH has developed treatment programs that focus on providing a complete continuum of recovery services, including extended outpatient services in the community and close to home where possible. Individualized service packages are offered to provide Missourians with ready access to treatment and to assist them in achieving and maintaining recovery from substance use. Treatment is individualized and routinely includes assessment, individual and group counseling, family counseling, education, participation in self-help groups, and other structured, therapeutic measures. In addition, families can also participate in individual and group codependency counseling. Detoxification and residential support services are offered for those who need a safe, substance free environment during the treatment process.


The Comprehensive Substance Treatment and Rehabilitation (CSTAR) Program provides a full continuum of care approach to substance use disorder treatment. CSTAR offers a flexible combination of clinical and supportive services.  These services may include temporary living arrangements when appropriate, that vary in duration and intensity, depending on the needs of the individual. To better address the specific needs of those seeking treatment, five specialized CSTAR programs were developed:

CSTAR Women and Children

These programs are designed for women and their children. Priority is offered to women who are pregnant, postpartum, or have children in their physical care and custody. Depending on assessed needs, additional services may include daycare, housing support and community support for children that accompany their mother into treatment.  

CSTAR Adolescent

Early intervention, comprehensive treatment, academic education and individualized treatment are important in averting substance use disorder and resulting problems that might otherwise follow a young person for a lifetime. Designed for Missouri's adolescents 12 to 17 years in age, these programs offer the full spectrum of treatment services. 

CSTAR General Population

These programs offer intensive outpatient treatment services to both men and women with substance use disorder problems. The full array of treatment services is available.

CSTAR Opioid

These medication-assisted treatment programs are designed for medically supervised withdrawal from heroin and other opiate drugs, followed by ongoing treatment and rehabilitation for addiction and related life problems. Priority admission is given to women who are pregnant and persons who are HIV positive. Missouri's opioid treatment programs meet required federal guidelines. 

Primary Recovery Plus

Modeled after the CSTAR General Population Program, PR+ offers a full continuum of services with individualized treatment to assist those individuals without Medicaid coverage.

Medication Assisted Treatment

All DBH certified and contracted adult treatment programs offer, or can arrange for, medication assisted treatment. FDA-approved medications specifically for people dependent on alcohol, heroin or other drugs containing opiates are now available. The medication makes withdrawal easier and helps stop cravings, which can help people get more benefits from their counseling treatment services.  For more information visit: Medication Assisted Treatment or “Know Your Rights” Brochure for Individuals in Medication-Assisted Treatment

Clinical Treatment and Recovery Services for Mental Illness

Outpatient Community-Based Services

Outpatient services provided to a person in their community. Services are provided by a team that uses the resources of the individual, his/her family, and the community. Outpatient programs offer individual, group, and family therapy, medication management, etc.

Targeted Case Management

Targeted Case Management services are used to assist individuals in finding and getting psychiatric, medical, social, and educational services and supports.

Day Treatment/Partial Hospitalization

Day treatment offers care to individuals diagnosed as having a psychiatric disorder and requiring a level of care greater than outpatient services can provide, but not at a level requiring full-time services in a hospital. The focus is on developing supportive medical and psychological and social work services. Day treatment may include rehabilitation services, educational services and vocational education.

Residential Services

Residential Services provide a variety of housing alternatives to meet the diverse needs of individuals. The Department of Mental Health assists Missourians challenged by mental illness in obtaining and maintaining safe, decent and affordable housing options that best meet their individual and family needs. Housing is a key to helping Missourians with disabilities and their families attain independent living. The vision of the Department is that all Missourians challenged by mental illnesses have housing options that are affordable and accessible, integrated into communities, and provide real choice.

Inpatient (Hospitalization)

Individuals whose psychiatric needs cannot be met in the community and who require 24-hour observation and treatment are placed in inpatient treatment. These services are considered appropriate for persons who may be dangerous to themselves or others as a result of their mental disorder. Children with Serious Emotional Disturbances or in acute crisis may receive the above-mentioned services as well as services provided through the programs listed below.


Temporary care given to an individual by specialized, trained providers for the purpose of providing a period of relief to the primary care givers.

Treatment Family Home Program

This service provides individualized treatment within a community-based family environment with specially trained parents. It allows out-of-home services for those needing them, but also allows children to remain in their own communities and often in their home school districts.

Community Psychiatric Rehabilitation (CPRP)

This program is a person-centered approach that emphasizes individual choices and needs; features flexible community-based services and supports; uses existing community resources and natural support systems; and promotes independence and the pursuit of meaningful living, working, learning, and leisure-time activities in normal community settings. The program provides an array of key services to persons with severe, disabling mental illnesses. Services include evaluations, crisis intervention, community support, medication management, and psychosocial rehabilitation. Because CPRP is a Medicaid supported program, the federal government pays approximately 60 percent of the costs for eligible clients.  

DBH Programs, Initiatives, & Services
Behavioral Health Resources and Information

Links for Consumers and Families

  • Academy For Eating Disorders helps physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, nutritionists, academic researchers, students and experts through lived experience connect and collaborate with each other and keep abreast of recent developments in eating disorders research.
  • Addictions Technology Transfer Center is an international, multidisciplinary resource for professionals in the addictions treatment and recovery services field.
  • grew out of the need to have a social network that will be a respite, a resource and a way to connect with others who share a common bond. Get authoritative, up-to-date resources and advice from professionals with expertise about Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
  • American Psychological Association is the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States, with more than 146,000 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants, and students as its members.
  • American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse is a Self-Help Sourcebook OnLine! Database of over 1200 national/model self-help support groups, local self-help group clearinghouses worldwide, group research summaries, and how-to's on starting groups.
  • Anxiety Disorders Association of America works to prevent, treat, and cure anxiety disorders and depression.
  • Behavioral Health Response provides crisis support, telephone counseling, and mental health resources 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • College Guide For Students With Psychiatric Disabilities - Our goal is to provide a comprehensive resource for college-bound high school seniors and currently enrolled postsecondary students who struggle with mental illness.
  • Depressed Anonymous is a 12 step program of recovery for persons with depression.
  • Dual Diagnosis Website is designed to provide information and resources for service providers, consumers, and family members who are seeking assistance and/or education regarding dual diagnosis.
  • Early Psychosis Care's goal is to highlight the importance of early identification and intervention for first episode psychosis (FEP). Both are key for reducing FEP’s effect on individuals, their loved ones, and the community.
  • Healing Touch: A Self-Injury Website offers resources for people who self-injure.
  • is a site that provides information on substance abuse and mental health issues related to addiction, such as depression and anxiety.
  • Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit organization committed to clinical practice, education and research, providing expert, whole-person care to everyone who needs healing.
  • Medical Dictionary Online is a free online medical dictionary.
  • Medline Plus is an online health information resource for patients and their families and friends.
  • Medscape offers the latest medical news and expert perspectives; essential point-of-care drug and disease information; and relevant professional education and CME.
  • Mental Health America is a community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and promoting the overall mental health of all.
  • Missouri Behavioral Health Council is a network of member agencies throughout the state who provide a comprehensive array of psychiatric and substance abuse treatment services and supports as appropriate for children/adolescents, adults and senior adults.
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) advocates for access to services, treatment, supports and research and is steadfast in its commitment to raise awareness and build a community for hope for all of those in need.
  • National Anxiety Foundation provides information on anxiety disorders for professionals and the general public. An international directory of anxiety health care professionals is also available on this site.
  • National Association of State Mental Health Program Director's (NASMHPD) Mental Health Links is a country wide extensive list of mental health links.
  • National Institute of Mental Health is the lead federal agency for research on mental disorders. NIMH is one of the 27 Institutes and Centers that make up the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the largest biomedical research agency in the world.
  • Panic Survivor: is an online community that provides a forum for people who have been through trauma to tell their stories.
  • Procovery Institute focuses on the process of how individuals with serious and chronic illnesses, trauma, addiction, injuries and loss can build healthier and more fulfilling lives.
  • Rural Health Information Hub is a national clearinghouse on rural health issues. They are committed to supporting healthcare and population health in rural communities.
  • is an internet community dedicated to providing high quality information, support and education to the family members, caregivers and individuals whose lives have been impacted by schizophrenia.
  • Senior Life Solutions™ is an intensive outpatient behavioral health program, primarily for adults age 65 and over. Services include psychiatric evaluation, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, medication education, psychiatric medication management, and resource development. Senior Life Solutions locations.
  • Strength of Us  is a user-driven social networking community that allows young adults to connect with peers and share personal stories, creativity and helpful resources by writing and responding to blog entries, engaging in discussion groups, posting status updates on “The Wire” and sharing videos, photos and other news. It offers a variety of resources on issues including healthy relationships, family and friends, independent living, campus life, employment, mental health and much more.
  • Suicide Prevention Resource Center is the only federally supported resource center devoted to advancing the implementation of the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention.
  • The American Journal of Psychiatry is a monthly publication for psychiatrists and other mental health professionals to stay up to date with every aspect of psychiatry.
  • WebMD provides health information, tools for managing your health, and support to those who seek information.
Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Resources

Hotlines, domestic violence programs, and rape crisis centers continue to provide services. People affected by sexual and domestic violence still can get access to the support of an advocate through a hotline call, during a sexual assault forensic exam, to seek a court-issued Order of Protection, and for help getting other crucial resources. Systems are being put in place to be able to provide remote advocacy as much as possible, using phone, text, telehealth, video and other strategies to connect with and support people who need help.

For immediate help in Missouri, see How to Get Help or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233 or the National Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-4673.

Mental Illness Fact Sheets


Mental Illness Facts

Anxiety Disorders:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):

Bipolar Disorder:

Childhood Mental Illness:

Civil Involuntary Detention

Co-Occurring Disorders in Adults:


Depression and Older Adults:

Eating Disorders:

Maintaining Good Mental Health:


Sexual Abuse:


Women's Depression:

Substance Use Fact Sheets





Club Drugs


Cough, Prescription and Over the Counter Misuse

Street Drugs

Compulsive Gambling

National Institute on Drug Abuse

Special Populations

Resources for Recovery

Online Recover Support Services