Behavioral Health – Substance Use and Mental Illness

The Division of Behavioral Health (DBH) manages programs and services for individuals who need help with their mental illnesses and/or substance use. Services available are prevention, education, evaluation, intervention, treatment, and rehabilitation. Here individuals and families seeking services can find the help they need. Most prevention and treatment services are provided by programs in the community through organizations which are contracted by the DBH to do so. These programs must meet federal and state requirements in order to provide mental illness and substance use treatment services.  Please note that not all organizations providing these services in the community are contracted with the DBH.

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Substance Awareness Traffic Offender Program (SATOP):  The Department of Mental Health, Division of Behavioral Health certifies agencies to provide services to individuals who have had an alcohol or drug related traffic offense. SATOP is, by law, a required element in driver license reinstatement by the Department of Revenue.

All SATOP consumers enter the system via an Offender Management Unit. Consumers receive an assessment screening where a review of their driver record, breath alcohol concentration (BAC) at the time of their arrest, computer-interpreted assessment, and an interview with a Qualified Substance Abuse Professional is conducted. Based upon the information gathered during the assessment screening, a referral is made to one of several types of SATOP service levels. Click here for more information regarding SATOP.


The DMH offers multiple events throughout the year, as well as live trainings, curriculum, and materials.


The Division of Behavioral Health provides services through a network of contractors who operate alcohol and drug use prevention programs. The Division monitors these providers and their staff, who must meet certification standards. Preventing substance use not only prevents the tragic consequences of addiction, but allows for better use of the limited resources available. Therefore, the Division strives to reduce the number of persons needing treatment through an extensive prevention effort. 

Criminal Legal Involved Treatment

The Division of Behavioral Health (DBH) partners with the Department of Corrections (DOC) and other organizations to increase awareness and improve the delivery of criminal justice services to individuals with substance use disorders and/or mental illness. The Division seeks to promote more successful outcomes and establish continued care in institutions and communities through justice-involved treatment initiatives such as the Substance Awareness Traffic Offender Program (SATOP), the Justice Reinvestment Initiative (JRI), Community Mental Health Liaisons (CMHL), Crisis Intervention Teams (CIT), Vivitrol Pre-release projects, the DMH/DOC Oversight Team and regional oversight meetings with DOC and community treatment providers.


The Department of Mental Health (DMH) believes that housing is a key to helping Missourians with disabilities and their families attain self-determination and independent living.  The DMH coordinates both state and federal funds to provide direct rental assistance to individuals and families with disabilities who are homeless or experiencing housing crisis.  DMH funds recovery housing and housing for special populations. For more information regarding housing, please visit.

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