Session Recordings



Create Your Own Smart Home!

February 3rd at 10:30amRecording(link is external) and Transcript

The availability (and, relative affordability) of mainstream "smart" devices means that people with disabilities no longer have to rely on others to fully access and navigate their environments.  In addition, commercially available products are universally designed to benefit all people – single-use and cumbersome devices are no longer the norm for people with disabilities.  In this session, learn how to pair smart plugs and other accessories with a virtual assistant to automate an environment and create routines.  

Session Presenter:   Richard Harrington has worked with people with disabilities for over 20 years.  He is a founding member of the Technology Enhancing Capabilities Lab (TEC Lab) - a division of Trinity Services, Inc.  Prior to coming to Illinois, Richard was employed by a community support provider for 14 years fulfilling a number of roles - from a direct supporter to case manager to assistive technology (AT) professional.  In his position as an AT professional, he was responsible for researching, developing, and implementing a wide variety of assistive technologies for people with developmental and physical disabilities.  Richard is a self-proclaimed “gadget guy” who has a passion for helping people be as independent as possible. His open-minded approach and extensive knowledge of assistive technology make him a highly sought-after resource for the people receiving services, families, and staff members. Richard is also an experienced speaker at regional and national conferences.



Technology Solutions 

February 3rd at 12:00pm (noon). Recording(link is external) and Transcript

Technology can profoundly and positively affect the lives of people with disabilities by increasing independence, restoring dignity, and promoting confidence.  However, the apparently endless array of technologies on the market can be intimidating and many people aren't sure how to get started.  In this session, learn about products that can address challenges commonly faced by those we support.  In addition, hear about custom created solutions using items that are readily available at the local hardware store.  Be ready to think creatively, and be prepared to be inspired!     

Session Presenter:  Constance Harrington is a founding member of the Technology Enhancing Capabilities Lab (TEC Lab) - a division of Trinity Services, Inc.  She also serves as the Director of National Association of QIDPs - a member association dedicated to providing cutting edge tools, information, and resources to disability professionals across the country.  Constance has helped large community-based providers develop assistive technology programs from the ground up.  She has also served as a resource for states in their initiatives for assistive technology adoption, which has led to a number of successful pilot programs as well as the implementation of highly regarded best practices.  In addition to her work in the area of assistive technology, Constance has served as a case manager, staff trainer, and supervisor of residential services.  A lifelong student herself, she recognizes the value in providing learning opportunities to others and, as a result, has designed and hosted several regional and national conferences dedicated to this purpose.  Constance is a highly sought speaker and consultant.  She is graduate of the National Leadership Consortium on Developmental Disabilities and earned her Master’s in Counseling Psychology and Education

Recording(link is external) and Transcript


Agency Implementation of Assistive Technology

February 17th at 10:30am. Recording(link is external) and Transcript

Join a panel discussion facilitated by Jess Bax, Missouri Division of Developmental Disabilities Director. This session features The ARC of the Ozarks and Chariton Valley discussing their agencies’ successful implementation of remote supports and the improvements they have seen in individual’s lives, how they do business, and the ease on staffing.  Learn from their lessons and hear ideas to successfully implementation technology into your agency’s supports.


Missouri Assistive Technology: Incorporating Assistive Technology to Achieve Workplace Success

February 17th at 10:30am.  Recording(link is external) and Transcript

Assistive technology is a valuable support to ensure employment success for people with developmental disabilities. Knowing how and where to start with assistive technology, however, can be difficult given the wide range of devices, products, and apps available. Combining practical guidance with first-hand experiences from the field, this session will help providers better incorporate technology into their toolbox of workplace supports. 


Exploring Technology: How to Define and have the Conversation

February 24th at 10:30amRecording(link is external) and Transcript

Cameron Kempson, M.Ed. is the Director for Shift, an accreditation platform designed to advance the Technology First movement through standardized best practices.  She has more than 30 years of experience in the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities with professional skills ranging from nonprofit management and community-based services to advocacy and consultation. Cameron has spent the last ten years educating organizations, families, and self-advocates about the benefits of enabling technology as a natural support.  As a founding member of Shift, she invests her passion and experience as the Director and serves as the primary content and curricula designer.


My Technology Self-Advocate Panel Interactive discussion

February 24th at 10:30am.  Recording(link is external) and Transcript

Individuals who utilize technology supports will show how they use technology in their everyday lives. Host, Candace Cunningham, will facilitate questions about fears and what concerns their circle of support overcame, how they got their circle of support ‘on board’ to trying technology, the challenges surrounding technology and ideas used to overcome the challenges, and advice to anyone interested in being supported by technology.  The session will also include time for questions/answers.