Comprehensive Waiver

The Comprehensive Waiver began in July 1, 1989. This is the only waiver that provides residential services: Group Home, Shared Living and Individualized Supported Living services. This waiver does not have an individual cap on the amount of service an individual may receive annually through the waiver. The participant must meet Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/ID) institutional level of care and must be at risk of needing ICF/ID institutional services if waiver services are not provided. In addition, there must be a determination that the individual’s needs cannot be met in the Community Support Waiver.

The Division serves over 8,000 people through the Comprehensive Waiver.

Although this waiver can provide residential support services when they are necessary for a participant, not every participant accesses residential services. Some live with their families or on their own and receive support services.

Comprehensive Waiver 101 Overview