

The mission of Center for Behavioral Medicine (CBM) is to deliver quality psychiatric hospital and community based residential services in a safe environment that provides the support and skills needed for individuals to achieve their highest potential.


CBM staff, community providers, and individuals served work respectfully together to create the path to successful community living.


Values (RESPECT)


  • Assist individuals to maximize their quality of life


  • Further advance the knowledge/skills of individuals we encounter in psychiatric services


  • An environment free from hazards, interventions that are least restrictive, proven effective treatment and error free processes in a “no blame environment”

Person Centered

  • Individuals drive their treatment


  • Quality patient care


  • Reintegration through partnership and innovation


  • Diverse individuals working together for a common goal

Full Community Membership

All people are accepted and included in the educational, employment, housing and social opportunities and choices of their communities.


All people can easily access coordinated and affordable services of their own choice in their own communities.

Individualized Services and Supports

All people design their own services and supports to enhance their lives and achieve their personal visions.

Dignity, Self-Worth and Individual Rights

All people are treated with respect and dignity and persons providing them with services and supports ensure their rights.

Prevention and Early Intervention

All people live their lives free of, or are less affected by, mental or physical disabilities as a result of our emphasis on prevention and early intervention.


All people determine the excellence of their services and supports based on the outcomes they experience.

Valued Workers

All people who provide services and supports are our organization’s most important resource.


All people receive services delivered by staff competent in dealing with culture, race, age, lifestyles, gender, sexual orientation, religious practice and ethnicity.

In following the values outlined by the Missouri Department of Mental Health, we believe the quality of patient care depends on the outcomes achieved and the resources used.


The Administrative Department consists of the senior leadership of this organization. It has the overall responsibility to ensure that the goals of the organization are met. Specifically, these goals are:

  • Provision of innovative active treatment through an interdisciplinary team that meets or exceeds the needs of our patients.
  • Provide care regardless of ability to pay.
  • Provide emergency 24-hour care which serves as the network handler for mental health services providing crisis services, screening, observation, treatment and assessment. Patients are triaged to the community mental health center system, alcohol and drug services, mental retardation/dual diagnosis services, other psychiatric hospitals, health care services and any other appropriate services required by the patient’s needs.
  • Develop a Total Quality Management system where employees are valued and encouraged to be participative and fiscally responsible.
  • Position itself in light of the changing nature of mental health care, to operate in a managed care environment, to continue quality care and to find other means of reimbursement.
  • Contribute to the care of individuals with severe mental illness through clinical research.
  • Enhance student/training affiliations to become a Center of Excellence in the care of individuals with mental illness.
  • To be ranked the number one psychiatric treatment and training facility in the nation!

In addition to the above goals, more specific departmental goals and objectives are developed and implemented yearly.