Team Member Recognition


Zane Wynn

Department of Mental Health Team Member of the Month: December 2024

The December Team Member of the Month has worked at Fulton State Hospital (FSH) since 2007 and in that time has learned about FSH culture, built strong relationships, and advanced his career through internal promotions.

Zane Wynn began his career at FSH as a Support Care Assistant and has since advanced to a Staff Development Trainer in 2021 to share the knowledge he’s accumulated over the years. Zane is the Special Learning Program Staff Development Trainer and he provides new employee orientation, basic psychiatric training, and generally ensures all training is provided in a timely manner. He has wonderful time management skills, is dependable, and is always willing to help where needed.

One of Zane’s coworkers said, “He is always willing to help make training better by updating materials and creating plans to ensure staff learn what they need to be successful in their job. Zane is friendly with staff and clients alike and is a valued team member at FSH!”

Zane has worked at FSH for over 17 years. Congratulations Zane!


Jessica LeCroy

Department of Mental Health Team Member of the Month: November 2024

The November Team Member of the Month is a beacon of hope during difficult situations at Southeast Missouri Residential Services (SEMORS). Jessica LeCroy is a Treatment Supervisor who stays calm during challenging situations and is truly dedicated to caring for the individuals she serves.

Finding programs that can successfully support individuals with challenging behaviors in Poplar Bluff can be difficult. As a solution, Jessica has been developing a crisis program at SEMORS that will work with individuals with high behavioral support needs. Instead of viewing an individual’s behavioral history as a reason a person can’t be supported, Jessica sees their history as part of their story and which compels her to help. Jessica has cultivated a compassionate and caring team that is ready to begin assisting individuals in crisis.

Recently, Jessica demonstrated her dedication by working overtime to assist an individual who was struggling in another crisis program. The individual was demonstrating challenging behaviors and the program was struggling with inadequate staffing, so Jessica and several of her team members stepped in to help. Regardless of the number of hours, Jessica made sure the individual was safe, and she helped provide reassurance to other team members that they could get through the difficult situation together.  

Jessica is a role model for leadership and teamwork. She constantly seeks new ways to improve the supports provided to the individuals served and pushing team members to do the same.   

One of Jessica’s coworkers said, “The individuals she supports often talk about how Jessica has helped them. It is evident in watching her interactions with the individuals, that they feel safe and supported with her.  For folks who have had traumatic experiences, this type of support makes all the difference in the world. If I had a loved one in need of supports, I have no doubt that I would want Jessica in charge.”

Jessica has worked at SEMORS for a little over nine years. Congratulations Jessica!


Photo of Regan Davis

Department of Mental Health Team Member of the Month: October 2024

Inspiring others to reach their full potential and achieve their dreams really promotes positive change. The October Team Member of the Month genuinely loves to help others learn and grow.

Regan Davis, Registered Nurse, at Northwest Missouri Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center (NMPRC) is full of joy, knowledge, and kindness for patients and fellow team members. Regan works the night shift and provides training for new employees as well as other team members. Her trainings are very well organized and allow team members to learn with a hands-on approach. Team members regularly ask her for advice because she is supportive of their goals.

Recently, one of her coworkers said, “She has inspired me to go to school to become an RN and she has already promised to help along the way. She has helped many of her co-workers improve themselves, not just her patients.”

Regan has worked at NMPRC for four years. Congratulations Regan!


Photo of Ginger Evans

Department of Mental Health Team Member of the Month: September 2024

Bringing a sense of cohesion to the team and patients at the Center for Behavioral Medicine (CBM) is important to the September Team Member of the Month. She feels this bond is vital in increasing positive moral in the workplace and to one’s overall well-being.

Ginger Evans is a Therapeutic Service Worker who excels in offering positive communication with team members and patients alike. She is sincere in words and actions with everyone she encounters. Her active listening skills are excellent, making people feel like they have been heard. She reminds both patients and staff of their value and worth through genuine praise. Ginger also has the ability to read people and has a natural instinct to make everyone feel included. Whether it’s playing a game or just simply being present with someone, she makes everyone feel supported.

CBM leadership tries to create an inviting work environment to build a stronger team, and Ginger is a major contributor to that positive growth. Any time the nursing department needs additional support she volunteers to help by doing rounds, managing the observation area, as well as other tasks that need to be covered. Ginger also dedicates a lot of extra time outside of work hours to the Employee Relations Committee. Her enthusiasm for these events and activities encourages people to participate and connect.

One of Ginger’s coworkers said, “No matter who you speak to at CBM, everyone is grateful to have Ginger Evans as part of the team. She makes CBM a better place for all of us!”

Ginger has worked at CBM for 22 years. Congratulations Ginger!


Photo of Rosie Anderson-Harper

Recovery services director remains driven to help

by Sophie Carite

Cory W. MacNeil/News Tribune photo: Rosie Anderson-Harper poses for a portrait Thursday, Aug. 8, 2024, in her office at Missouri Department of Mental Health, where she is the director of recovery services for the Division of Behavioral Health.

Rosie Anderson-Harper began her career at the Missouri Department of Mental Health more than 30 years ago.
She first worked as a counselor and a women's treatment specialist, helping build a program to support women and babies affected by drug use.

Now she's the director of recovery services in the Division of Behavioral Health. She's led recovery services since its inception in 2012.

Recovery services funds and contracts with agencies across the state which offer housing, employment and other resources to people in recovery from substance use disorder and chronic mental health issues.

There is no sobriety requirement to access resources through the recovery division. Rather, Anderson-Harper says it's important to meet people wherever they're at in the recovery process.

"The less we dictate, and the more we help, heal, coach and guide, I think we see better results," Anderson-Harper said.
The resource Anderson-Harper is most proud to offer through her agency is Recovery Community Centers (RCC), of which there are 12 across the state. One of them, Landmark Recovery Center, is located in Jefferson City at 204 Metro Drive.

RCC's provide resources for housing, employment, medical treatment, nutrition, life skills and more.

Anderson-Harper said it is difficult to focus on recovery if your most basic needs -- housing, food, safety -- are not being met.

"Sometimes we have to outreach to people and say, 'Look, this is available to you and it doesn't cost you anything. Let's get you into a house first and then we're going to wrap services around you once you're there.'"

These services not only help individuals and their families, but Anderson-Harper said they also serve the community.

"We know we're diverting people from jails, from emergency rooms, from those high-cost services, because they're able to have a place where they can get that compassion," Anderson-Harper said.

RCC's are staffed by certified peer specialists.
"There are individuals that have been there, done that," Anderson-Harper said. "They've walked that journey of either a serious mental health condition or a substance-use disorder, they're in recovery and they found a way to live to the fullest potential."

Peer specialists differ from sponsors, a concept from Alcoholics Anonymous that many people are familiar with, in several ways. Anderson-Harper said they receive certification, have more boundaries with clients and are paid.

"I'm so pleased that we're paying people for their lived experience and expertise," Anderson-Harper said.

Anderson-Harper is looking to increase the number of RCC's available in Missouri. She said it's important for them to be locally available, as many of the people who could benefit from these services lack access to transportation.

This is just one of the many goals she has for recovery services in Missouri.

"I'm eligible to retire," Anderson-Harper said. "But I love this job. I'm not ready to go yet. We still have things to do."

Photo of Lore Stone

Department of Mental Health Team Member of the Month: August 2024

Participating in group activities offers people a sense of belonging, and it helps them feel included and accepted in their community. The August Team Member of the Month, Lorenne “Lore” Stone, works at Southwest Community Services (SWCS) and has found a passion in creating calendars full of activities for the clients at SWCS.

Last year, Lore was promoted to a Support Care Professional – Activities Supervisor and since that time has increased team member and client engagement in activities. Some team members and clients were reluctant to participate in various outings or activities, so Lore developed and implemented an activity incentive program to increase participation. The activity incentive program acknowledges and rewards individuals based on monthly participation hours and the three individuals with the most participation hours win special prizes. In addition, Lore created a special area at SWCS where participation accomplishments are posted each month. Team members and clients are now excited to participate in activities and see their accomplishments highlighted for everyone to see at SWCS.

Lore also created a monthly client birthday recognition bulletin board to acknowledge clients during their birthday month and let them know they are important. One of Lore’s coworkers said, “she does all this with genuine joy and enthusiasm without a thought of being thanked or recognized.”

Lore has worked at SWCS for nearly 25 years. Congratulations Lore!


Photo of Patricia Gillespie

Department of Mental Health Team Member of the Month: July 2024

Helping others out in a pinch makes for a great team member! The July Team Member of the Month, Patricia Gillespie, is an Administrative Support Assistant in the Print Shop at the St. Louis Forensic Treatment Center (STL-FTC) and is motivated to do quick, quality work.  

Recently, an urgent printing assignment came up for the Nursing Department at STL-FTC. Patricia made the job a priority, asked the right questions, provided updates throughout the process, and completed the job within the specified timeframe. Patricia’s work was professional, polite, and proficient, which led to an excellent end product.

One of Patricia’s coworkers said, “Patricia exhibit’s excellence in job performance and is eager to excel. In addition, Patricia shows respect and courtesy to staff and visitors in person and on the phone.”

Patricia has worked at DMH for almost 32 years. Congratulations!


Photo of Nijuana Bellamy

Team Member of the Month:  June 2024

It is essential for caregivers to communicate well with their team and with the individuals entrusted to their care. Effective communication builds trust, understanding, and helps advocate for individuals’ needs. The June Team Member of the Month understands that good relationships with staff and individuals is vital to success.

Nijuana Bellamy, Licensed Practical Nurse, has worked at Northwest Community Services for three years. She knows all the individuals she serves very well and is a friend to everyone she meets. Nijuana is known to visit individuals who may be going through a rough time. She listens to their questions, addresses concerns, and explains appointments or procedures. Taking the time to do this alleviates fear and anxiety for many of the individuals.

Recently, an individual was sent to the hospital for an emergency. Knowing this person and their medical history well, Nijuana went along to the emergency room to advocate for this individual. She provided hospital staff with some recent medical information and concerns, and then insisted the individual be admitted due to multiple trips to the emergency room that week. Throughout the process, she also maintained thorough communication with her entire team.       

One of her coworkers said, “Nijuana treats everyone she encounters respectfully and with a smile. She has an excellent rapport with direct support professionals, support staff, and the individuals because she treats everyone with kindness, respect, and dignity.”

Congratulations Nijuana!


May Team Member of the Month

Team Member of the Month:  May 2024

The May Team Member of the Month demonstrates unwavering dedication and exceptional commitment to the care of individuals residing at Fulton State Hospital (FSH). Valeri Chapman, Lead Administrative Support Assistant for FSH’s Medical and Specialty Clinics,  consistently makes contributions to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of clinic operations which benefit both staff and the individuals served by FSH. 

Valeri's outstanding performance is evident in her ability to efficiently schedule medical appointments for a population exceeding 400 clients. Her meticulous attention to detail ensures that scheduling processes run smoothly. In addition, Valeri plays a pivotal role in overseeing inventory management and procurement processes for medical supplies, office supplies, and equipment. Again, her attention to detail, ensure that clinic resources are efficiently utilized and available when needed.

Valeri also demonstrates exemplary leadership by developing comprehensive instructions and conducting training sessions on state-utilized systems, such as Med Cons (Medical Scheduler) and MAWD Pathology. Her efforts are instrumental in ensuring that hospital staff are proficient in utilizing these systems, thereby contributing to the smooth functioning of clinic operations.

One of her coworkers said, “Valeri Chapman not only embodies what it is to be a dedicated and exemplary employee, but her kindness and selflessness truly set her apart. Her outstanding contributions and character make her highly deserving of the DMH Team Member of the Month recognition.”

Valeri has worked at FSH for 16 years. Congratulations Valeri!


Photo of Joshua Strait

Team Member of the Month:  April 2024

Striving for excellence requires hard work and commitment. The April Team Member of the Month has worked for Southeast Missouri Mental Health Center (SMMHC) for about 12 years and has consistently challenged himself and his coworkers to be their very best. His leadership is part of what gives SMMHC such a strong team.

Joshua Strait, a Senior Staff Development Training Specialist, frequently volunteers his time and expertise to his colleagues by helping them reach their professional goals. He offers guidance, support, and tips to help team members feel confident and prepared for interviews within SMMHC. Helping his peers grow professionally builds good working relationships and helps others find fulfillment in their positions. His positive attitude and willingness to help his fellow co-workers strive for new leadership positions truly shows his dedication to the SMMHC team.

His commitment to his colleagues embodies the SMMHC values of dedication, compassion, and collaboration. In fact, other DMH facilities and various state agencies reach out to Joshua for guidance on the practices at SMMHC.

One of his coworkers said, “Joshua has always been an asset when it comes to networking. He leads by example and leaves a great and lasting impression.”