NCI State of the Workforce Survey

WHAT: Annual lump sum payment of $2,000 per qualifying provider.

WHY: To incentivize applicable providers to complete annual and subsequent NCI Staff Stability Surveys. The Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) National Core Indicators (NCI) State of the Workforce Survey collects information on the direct support professional (DSP) workforce in Missouri, including information on staff wages, retention and turnover. The survey data supports the Division’s policy and program development to enhance the retention efforts and training needs of the DSP workforce.

HOW: The annual NCI Staff Stability survey is completed in the NCI system. The data listing of contracted service providers who have completed the annual survey will be provided to DMH DD by Human Services Research Institute (NCI). The data indicating NCI State of the Workforce Survey completion by provider will be processed by the Division for payment annually.
